Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hips, Hamstrings, Headstands - newbies welcome!

Tripod: one of the easier inversions to learn - keeping your feet on the ground is OK!
Photo by Lynette Chiang 
Hey Ganeshers ...

There's never a dull moment here at YoGanesh!

Apart from our a weekly roster of interesting classes to suit everyone from the spiritual yogi to the power pilates lover to the workaholic, we love to offer special events and workshops you might not find elsewhere.

Coming up next on October 27 is our last-Thursday-of-the-month themed yoga class with Victoria and Nick, this time featuring music from the Rocky Horror Picture Show (horror and yoga? Hey, we're open minded here at YoGanesh!). Come dressed to downdog away any "evil karma," 7:30-8:45pm.

Check out our upcoming workshops:

and of course our exclusive 200-hour Kripalu Teacher Training course (Feb, 2012). Teacher training is not just for those who want to "call the moves" but a great way to unlearn any habits you've gotten into over years of drop-in classes that might be stopping you from getting the most out of your practice. It's sure to get you into the groove if you've "fallen off the wagon!"

Yes, we had to raise our prices (but not by much).

... especially if you compare us to many other studios. The rent went up, we're still very new - 1 year old and committed to making yoga in Manhattan affordable (an oxymoron we know). We believe people benefit most from doing yoga more often, ideally, more than once or twice a week. Hopefully we're making that possible for you, not just with friendly pricing, but with a variety of classes at convenient times.

NEW CLASS PRICES as at October 1, 2011
See them on the web
Single Class - $15 Drop In 
- the price of a fancy arugula salad these days!

5 Class Packs - $65.00 (expires 2 months) 
- that's $12.10 a class, with plenty of time to use them up over 8 weeks, but we hope you come more often!

10 Class Packs  - $120 (expires 3 months)
- what a deal at great bargain at $12 per class! That's a burger without too many trimmings!

1 Month Unlimited Yoga $130 
- now you're talking! Come almost every day and you're looking at less than $5/day

1 Year Unlimited Yoga $1300 
- Come every day and that's just over $3/class. If you come twice a week throughout the year, it works out to around $13/class.

Great value which ever way you spin it! No Contracts!Please Note: Class Packs & Unlimited Packages do not include Pilates or Workshops

NEW STUDENTS SPECIAL: $79.00 - One Month Unlimited
- Come every day and that's $2/class, or twice a week makes it $7.50/class. How can you possibly say no?  Current students, we appreciate your support, but this special is for new students only - otherwise that rent increase will not be paid! 

Thank you all for supporting and enjoying our "little oasis in the maelstrom of 7th Ave" as one Ganesher put it.

Sign up for a class now! and please, please tell your friends and review us here on Yelp.


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